Online HQ Cam Studs






If you're going to pay to watch cam shows given by chunky boys, you aren't going to settle for less than high quality video. No one is saying that you won't be able to find males streaming in HQ on the various cam sites operating on the web these days. Yet you'll have to search for them and that may take time you could, otherwise, spend on chatting. is an aggregate cam site which focuses on BBW models of all genders. It'll present you with the best models from the live porn industry in one place with no need for wasting precious time searching for them.

Webhams has a nifty filter which enables you to cross-reference various categories so as to narrow your search and get to the exact models with whom you'll be interested in chatting. So if you're looking for plump boys giving high quality video shows, you'll first need to select Boys as your desired gender. Then go to Body Type and choose either Curvy if you like your performers slightly fat or BBW if you like them extremely fat. Finally, under Video Quality, select HQ.

Your screen will be filled with thumbnails containing models that meet your search criteria. It's highly recommended going over these thumbnails and picking the one with the performer you like most. By pressing on the thumbnail, you will reach that performer's room.

In his room, you'll be able to watch the live show he's currently giving on his home site. To chat with the model either in public or in private, you'll have to reach that site and that can be done by simply pressing on the performance window or on the Join Him button to the right.

It'll be wise to stay in the Webhams room a little longer so as to garner information about the model for whose show you're about to pay . To the left, you'll be shown his age, location, spoken languages, chat rate, rating, current promotions and the tags he's attributed to himself. Some models also appear with a few About Me sentences and a description of the things that turn them on in intimate situations.

Beneath the performance window, you'll usually see photos of the model. Sometimes these photo include full nudity so you can see whether your chubby cam boy has a small, medium or large dick. You'll also be shown his schedule, so you'll know when to expect him online. A cake diagram will tell you how much time he spends in paid live chats compared to free chats and how many breaks he takes.

If after absorbing all this information, you've come to the conclusion that the model isn't as hot as you'd initially thought, you'll be presented with additional thumbnails containing similar rotund boys who stream in HQ. You should definitely give them a try. You'd surely find one model or more with whom you'd love to engage in a live cam chat.