Online 720 HD Cam Studs

Nate Ocean

Nate Ocean


Thanks to advanced streaming technology, you can watch your favorite cam shows given by chunky boys at HD quality. 720p has become the standard of most leading webcam sites operating on the internet these days. No one is complaining about this positive development. But the question arises: why do we need taking into account that hi-def sex performances are so prevalent in the live porn industry?

Webhams does what very few other sites do. It puts at your disposal an aggregate online platform which contains the top BBW models you'll find on the web, and therefore saves you precious time you'd otherwise spend trying to find these models on many different sites.

How does Webhams work? It has a highly advanced filtering tool which enables you to combine a couple of parameters in one search to make sure you'll get to the exact type of models based on your personal preferences. So if you're into plumb boys who stream in HD, what you have to do is tap on Boys so as to make sure the results you'll get will include neither females nor trannies. Then, under Body Type, you should choose Curvy if you want your model to be slightly overweight or BBW in case you like to watch obese performers. Finally, under Video Quality, you should select 720 HD.

The moment you finish your search, you'll see thumbnails on your screen occupied by models with the characteristics you've defined. Tapping on a thumbnail will take you to a model's room.

The first thing you'll see in his room is the HD show he's currently giving on the site from which he's broadcasting at the moment. By tapping on the performance window or on the Join Him button to the right, you'll find yourself on that site, and that will enable you to initiate a public or a paid for live chat with him.

But before you leave Webhams, it's strongly recommended spending a few more moments in the model's room for the sake of garnering vital information on the one whose live show you're going watch after paying for it.

To the left, you'll be given details regarding the performer's age, whereabouts, spoken languages, cost per minute, rating, home site and promotions. You'll also be shown the tags he's chosen to associate himself with as well as be able to read a few About Me sentences and a description of the things that arouse him while he's having sex.

Below the performance window, you'll see the model's photos (some of them may include full nudity), his schedule so you'll know when he goes online and statistics regarding how much time he spends on free chats, paid chats and breaks.

It may sometimes happen that you didn't like what you saw, and as a result, you decided to check another model. You can always hit the going back button and return to the main page where you got all the thumbnails. Alternatively, at the bottom of the model's room, you'll see additional thumbnails occupied by rotund boy streaming in HD. There's a high probability that you're going to like at least one of them.